The Clinical Concepts Podcast
Are you an EMS professional who seeks to provide the best care possible to the patients for which you care? Are you an EMS professional who spends the quiet of the early morning or late night thinking about the science behind the medicine and its implications on the care we provide? Are you fascinated with how the science of emergency medicine is related to our industry's culture? Where have we been? Where are we going, and how are we going to get there? If these are the questions you find yourself asking, then the Clinical Concepts Podcast is for you! Join us as we dive into all things related to EMS and prehospital emergency medicine from clinical care, driving cultural change, innovation, customer service, and more! We bring the Podcast to you, while you take the care to the patient!
15 episodes
What Paramedics Want in 2024 with Dan Batsie
Every year, our EMS colleagues at Fitch and Associates publish the "What Paramedics Want," industry trend report. Have you read it? Is your leadership style and knowledge correlating with national trends? Join me during this episode as ...
Season 1
Episode 15
What's this Community Paramedicine Thing Everyone is Talking About?
In this episode we chat with Elizabeth McMaster, NRP, CP-C, to gain a better insight on community paramedicine, mobile integrated healthcare, and how it fits into the EMS system of care! Beth brings her experience as a community paramedic and a...
Season 1
Episode 14
PDCD... Easy as 1, 2, 3!
"Respond to a private residence for a 2-year-old female with an altered mental status, history of PDCD" A history of what? You know... PDCD! During this episode we explore Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency, or ...
Season 1
Episode 13
What if Disney Ran Your Ambulance Service? A Customer Service Approach to EMS and Acute Care Medicine.
EMS providers often think about the acute care medicine component of their career. Although this is incredibly important, have you ever stopped to think about what is actually happening from an interpersonal perspective? By providing high quali...
Season 1
Episode 12
People Don't (Usually) "Just Fall Down!"
Often as EMS providers we are called to the "fall" or even more mundane sounding, the dreaded "lift assist." We arrive, we help the patient up, and on our way we go. But when was the last time you stopped to think about how the patient ended up...
Season 1
Episode 11
The RAD-57... Not Your Grandma's Pulse Ox!
On a daily basis, EMS clinicians utilize pulse oximetry to measure the percentage of hemoglobin bound to oxygen when evaluating respiratory adequacy, But have you ever had a need to measure a patient's carboxyhemoglobin? If you needed to, could...
Season 1
Episode 10
Obstetrical Emergencies Part 2: Antepartum Emergencies
Have you ever delivered a baby in the ambulance? If so, how did it go? If not, are you ready to do so on your next shift? Does the thought of an obstetrical or neonatal emergency make you anxious and question your ability? I think...
Season 1
Episode 9
Obstetrical Emergencies Part 1: Female Reproductive A&P and Fetal Development
Have you ever delivered a baby in the ambulance? If so, how did it go? If not, are you ready to do so on your next shift? Does the thought of an obstetrical or neonatal emergency make you anxious and question your ability? I ...
Season 1
Episode 8
Hospital Decompression: Be Part of the Solution!
Hospitals are busy, we all know that. But how can we, as EMS providers, help decompress the hospital systems while still providing a high standard of clinical care? Listen in for a short discussion on how you can help approach hospital volumes ...
Season 1
Episode 7
American Sirens with Kevin Hazzard
In 1967 Dr. Peter Safar set out to do something that had never been done before in the United States: taking critical care and emergency medicine outside the walls of the hospital. But how would he accomplish this? The answer is simple, with th...
Season 1
Episode 6
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
The 2022 cold and flu season is off and running! Thus far emergency departments and EMS systems alike are caring for more RSV patients, than ever before, for this early in the season. But what is RSV anyway? Join me as we take a dive in...
Season 1
Episode 5
I'm so Bougie!
As EMS clinicians we intubate multiple patients every year. But, have you ever stopped to consider if you are setting yourself, and the patient, up for the most optimal procedural outcome? Lets spend some time discussing the art of utiliz...
Season 1
Episode 4
Tracheostomy vs. Laryngectomy Management
As an EMS provider, we take care of thousands of acutely and chronically ill patients every year. When we encounter a patient with a tracheostomy the conversation usually goes like this: Patient's Caregiver: "The patient has a "'trach!'...
Season 1
Episode 3
Hey man, that's my weed!
Patient: "I'm nauseated, i'm vomiting, my belly hurts, and I use cannabis a lot! I have cannabis hyperemesis syndrome."Paramedic: "You have what now?" Cannabis (marijuana) use for medical and recreational purposes ...
Season 1
Episode 2
Welcome to Clinical Concepts!
Greetings! Welcome to The Clinical Concepts Podcast! I am thrilled that you're here. The Clinical Concepts Podcast is being brought to you from just outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, one of the epicenters of EMS and emergency medicine innova...
Season 1
Episode 1